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Ribbon of Hope License Plate

Pink Sand

The Ribbon of Hope license plate goes to the furtherance of the Gloria Gemma Mission and to the funding for critical breast health programs that are in desperate need of being brought to fruition.

$22.50 goes to the plate production 

$20 of the plate fee goes to the Gloria Gemma Mission

Please read all instructions before placing order

Orders are batched weekly and are verified by the RI Dept. of Motor Vehicles before going into production.

Please allow 2-4 months for completion of your license plate.

Please submit your completed order & payment with a copy of your vehicle registration.


Incomplete orders will be returned to you.


Hope Plate orders can be mailed to 

RI DMV Plate Dept. 

600 New London Ave.

Cranston, RI 02920-3024 

License Plates and new registration stickers will be shipped to you when the plates are ready

(1) The plates are in process after your  payment is processed

(2) You will be responsible for the destruction of the old plates 

Note: Returned plates will cause the registration to be cancelled

Click below for order form download





Make sure to include your name, the name of the vehicle owner (if different), the license plate number and the best telephone number to contact you.

Should you have any questions regarding your order, please contact the RI DMV Plate Dept. at

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